Thursday 2 June 2011

A Vision For Tomorrow!

I have a vision of our charity.
Like a Goverrnment, the charity serves the people. It brings in income, understands the needs of the people, and uses the income, to support it’s citizens ( beneficiaries)
While charities have different operating models, SAC will adopt the government format in providing a public service as a operative model. Below, you can see the similarity between how the government runs, and how SAC is envision’s ourself to be.

The road to achieve this is tough. SAC has made some headways over the past 8 years we have been existence. Below, the graph shows where we are today.
As you can see, we have achieved 3 out of 7 objectives. It is my wish that in the forseeable future, sAC will develop into a full fledge charity, with the resources to help the needy based on it’s mission and objectives.

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