About Author


Trevor Xie
Executive Director
Student Advisory Centre (SAC)

A Singaporean who has spent the last 8 years of his 20's building up the Student Advisory Centre (SAC). The fundamental values of the organization is reflected in his persona. With strong beliefs and value system, he leads SAC with passion, conviction, dedication and confidence.

Retired 2 time Ironman Triathlete, he pursues his continued interest as a long distance swimmer and organizes the annual charity swim, to help raise funds for SAC.

Student Advisory Centre (SAC) is a children and youth charity established on the 1st of July 2003. SAC first started as a helpline for runaway minors and quickly expanded to include programmes to help children from low-income families as well as academically challenged students.

Today, the centre focuses on five key principles to reach out to disadvantaged young people in Singapore:
They are:
1. To help students with low interest in studies and inability to study effectively realise their potential.
2. To help students with delinquent behaviours correct their actions and mindset.
3. To help students with low self-esteem gain confidence.
4. To help potential school dropouts stay in school .
5. To provide free meals to students from financially disadvantaged families.
6. To provide financial assistance to needy students.

For more info about SAC, log on to www.studentadvisory.org.sg