Thursday 2 June 2011

The staff I admire

Employment is a two way street.
Staff expect the employers to treat them equitably, and fairly. Employers also expect staff to observe a certain code of ethics.
I have written herein, a list of qualities I would expect in my staff, and traits that I admire.  The qualities below are listed in no order of priority.

1)      I admire people with good communication skills. We are in the service industry. It is important that our staff members speak and write well.
2)      I admire people with Integrity. Information and data provided should be accurate and truthful at all times.
3)      I admire staff who take care of themselves well. Our beneficiaries look up to us as mentors, teachers, and counselors. We must constantly present a healthy and positive image so as to inspire, and lead by example.
4)      I admire polite, gentle people. We are in the helping profession. It is important that we are always ready to serve. Be always polite, considerate and kind. Observe harmony and resolve conflict quickly through dialogue and understanding each other.
5)      I admire people who are humble. Be willing to explore and listen to the opinions and suggestions of others. Discuss and debate alternatives. Through this process, your thinking will be sharpened, improving your quality and the operations of your service.
6)      I admire hardworking people. We employ people with a strong interest to serve. Such people are hardworking, strive for excellence, and go the extra mile to create works of great standards and quality. Hard work and talent go hand in hand in creating quality work. It is only through such work, that the community will benefit.
7)      I admire well organized people. Success comes from being well organized. Keep your desk, physical and virtual files neat. Have your work done to your best of efforts, record and file them well, so that information may be retrieved quickly and effortless at all times, both by yourself, and your colleagues.   
8)      I admire people who respect time and keep promises. We are in the service industry. Let people have faith in our words and actions. Let us be punctual in all our appointments and keep our promises, no matter how difficult it may be.

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