Thursday 30 June 2011

Wishing Well 6th Disbursement Ceremony

21st of June 2011, Bedok Green primary School, the Wishing well had it’s 6th disbursement ceremony for 51 students worth S$12, 554.

Kuodos to my colleague, Ms Denise Phillips, committee members Ms Caroline Vhives, Mr Pascal Wong, Ms Chiam Xiu Jie and Ms Janice Goh, the ceremony went well and many students obtained gifts as you see below.

Mr Maurice Nhan, Chairman of Wishing Well, gives a opening speech

These were the food hampers given to students who asked for groccery vouchers to help their families.

Bed sets, milk bottle steriliser ( far right),standing fans, and even cooking well, were some of the gifts avaliable that day required by the beneficiaries.

Giving of the gifts from donors, guest, to the students

Ms Mabel Sim, a donor, helps to present a gift to one of the wishing well students

Principal - Mrs Sita Singh, Bedok Green Primary School, helps us in presenting a voucher to wishing well student. Bedok Green Primary School was the venue sponsor for the function.

Mr Pascal Wong, volunteer of wishing well committee, smiles for the camera. Ms janice goh, a fellow committe member, looks on ( far left)

One of the beneficiaries who arrived after the disbursment. they recieved 2 packs of gifts for their family.

 To all donors, well wishers, and volunteers, thank you for your support to make the quarterly disbursement ceremony of Wishing Well a success. See you all again in End September.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Our Promise of Quality

I believe that while we serve the disadvantaged, we should give them the best quality of care that is avaliable.
Though we do not charge them commercial fees, we should provide a quality of work that even financially able people will be happy to have. It is through donations, that such services, are made freely avaliable to the public. The same rigour and care that commercial companies do to serve it’s customers, should be adopted by charities, though it serves the needy.  

I write herein, some of the quality checks that my charity will place on our services and programmes for the community.
Quality Checks

Fun at the Office

The office decided to do a greeting card to celebrate the success of one of the students of ours. was kind of fun. thought nice to upload it here.

Our 5th Wishing Well Disbursement.

Every 3 months, my office works with partners to give away gifts to needy students through the wishing well program of the charity.
I’m so happy that many of the students got what they wanted. At a young age, some of the wishes of these children are very mature.They didn’t ask for remote controlled car, nor a computer game. Instead, they asked for necessities which can help their parents.
Rice cookers, microwave ovens, even a proper bed for the family to sleep on, was a few items on the list.
I’m glad my chairman, Peter Douglas, was also present to help give away the items. please are some of the pictures of the day.

Our friends from Hong Kong visit us at our Bedok Branch.

Some friends of hongkong visited me lately, and it was really pleasant to share expereience and and insights with each other. Feel very honoured to have them pay me a visit.
Think I’ll pay them a visit the next time I go to hong kong.

A Vision For Tomorrow!

I have a vision of our charity.
Like a Goverrnment, the charity serves the people. It brings in income, understands the needs of the people, and uses the income, to support it’s citizens ( beneficiaries)
While charities have different operating models, SAC will adopt the government format in providing a public service as a operative model. Below, you can see the similarity between how the government runs, and how SAC is envision’s ourself to be.

The road to achieve this is tough. SAC has made some headways over the past 8 years we have been existence. Below, the graph shows where we are today.
As you can see, we have achieved 3 out of 7 objectives. It is my wish that in the forseeable future, sAC will develop into a full fledge charity, with the resources to help the needy based on it’s mission and objectives.

The staff I admire

Employment is a two way street.
Staff expect the employers to treat them equitably, and fairly. Employers also expect staff to observe a certain code of ethics.
I have written herein, a list of qualities I would expect in my staff, and traits that I admire.  The qualities below are listed in no order of priority.

1)      I admire people with good communication skills. We are in the service industry. It is important that our staff members speak and write well.
2)      I admire people with Integrity. Information and data provided should be accurate and truthful at all times.
3)      I admire staff who take care of themselves well. Our beneficiaries look up to us as mentors, teachers, and counselors. We must constantly present a healthy and positive image so as to inspire, and lead by example.
4)      I admire polite, gentle people. We are in the helping profession. It is important that we are always ready to serve. Be always polite, considerate and kind. Observe harmony and resolve conflict quickly through dialogue and understanding each other.
5)      I admire people who are humble. Be willing to explore and listen to the opinions and suggestions of others. Discuss and debate alternatives. Through this process, your thinking will be sharpened, improving your quality and the operations of your service.
6)      I admire hardworking people. We employ people with a strong interest to serve. Such people are hardworking, strive for excellence, and go the extra mile to create works of great standards and quality. Hard work and talent go hand in hand in creating quality work. It is only through such work, that the community will benefit.
7)      I admire well organized people. Success comes from being well organized. Keep your desk, physical and virtual files neat. Have your work done to your best of efforts, record and file them well, so that information may be retrieved quickly and effortless at all times, both by yourself, and your colleagues.   
8)      I admire people who respect time and keep promises. We are in the service industry. Let people have faith in our words and actions. Let us be punctual in all our appointments and keep our promises, no matter how difficult it may be.

The Kind of Employer I will be

Being a employer comes with responsibilities, both to the organization in it’s growth, and to it’s employees.
I decided to write down ten rules for myself to observe as i become the leader of my staff. We currently employ some 15 full timers, and with more expected to join us, I decided to write them down to remind what they can expect of me.

The code of conduct are as follows.
  1. I will be fair and assess people objectively based on their output, not by favoritism.
  2. I will delegate effectively to the employees, with clear set of procedures, principles, and instructions.
  3. I will maintain the vitality, energy, and thrust of the company, making the charity a exciting, forward moving, and interesting place to work in.
  4. I will try to maximize surplus and cut unnecessary cost, so that maximum benefits can be given to staff for remuneration and benefits.
  5. I will recruit people of the highest quality, to build the kindest and most talented team of people in the industry.
  6. I will give opportunities to every employee, the platforms to shine, training to achieve, and resource to succeed. 
  7. I will lead the office with kindness, principles, and with ethics.
  8. I will plan our policy, vision, and strategy, far into the future, so as to always be ahead of the curve, and to best that we can be.
  9. I will try to win the confidence of every beneficiary, staff, donor, partner, by assuring them of our reliability and quality of service.
  10. I will make firm decisions without cowardice, despite it being difficult, in moving our office towards the vision and mission it is set out to be. 

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Student Advisory Centre

Hi Everyone,

Let me welcome you to the new Student Advisory Centre blog, where you will get regular updates from me, Trevor Xie the Executive Director of the children's charity.

This blog will hopefully serve as a connection between the charity and you, the donors, volunteers and corporate companies that want to be a part of this growing organisation. You will know the ins and outs of the company, the activities that are happening and even get introduced to the staff.

I hope you will visit this portal where we will share how we want to make a difference in people's lives.

Trevor Xie