Tuesday 22 May 2012

November is Charity Swim Month

After a successful Charity Swim 2011 which is an event for a cause, we sure made a history. This year, we will embark on Charity Swim 2012, bringing in the same passion for swim and extending our help to the needy.

This time the swim route will be on Philippine shores in Cebu, waters are definitely waiting for you to plunge in. Join and make another history for the Charity Swim on November and help raise funds to support the projects of the SAC. 

Registration starts on the last week of June. Be one of the swimmers who will swim for a good cause. Forward to friends who are interested! For more details do contact: charityswim@studentadvisory.org.sg

NOTE: Due to uncertainty of the tidal condition, we see it necessary to not disclose the exact date yet, however, set your sail on November! It will be the Charity Swim month.

See you in Cebu!

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