Tuesday 22 May 2012

November is Charity Swim Month

After a successful Charity Swim 2011 which is an event for a cause, we sure made a history. This year, we will embark on Charity Swim 2012, bringing in the same passion for swim and extending our help to the needy.

This time the swim route will be on Philippine shores in Cebu, waters are definitely waiting for you to plunge in. Join and make another history for the Charity Swim on November and help raise funds to support the projects of the SAC. 

Registration starts on the last week of June. Be one of the swimmers who will swim for a good cause. Forward to friends who are interested! For more details do contact: charityswim@studentadvisory.org.sg

NOTE: Due to uncertainty of the tidal condition, we see it necessary to not disclose the exact date yet, however, set your sail on November! It will be the Charity Swim month.

See you in Cebu!

AVIVA Lunch Box Program Activity

The Lunch Box Program provides free lunches to needy children by donating funds that have been sponsored to the school. After which, the school will print food vouchers for the children to exchange for meals in their school canteen. But that’s not all there is to the Lunch Box Program, in the activity held last 27 April 2012 in Damai Primary School, AVIVA, the corporate partner of the Student Advisory Center took the time to teach 80 students from the primary School to make healthy sandwiches.

It’s nice to see that the children are learning the healthy ways to make sandwiches. They are also becoming aware of the healthy benefits of the all natural goodness of vegetable and fruits.  Not only that the children’s tummy full but also their knowledge!

We thank the AVIVA Group for sharing their time for the activity. We also thank Damai Primary School as the venue for the activity and for the students who actively participated.

Home Improvement Philippines

The situation of houses in the Philippines is different to that of Singapore. The physical aspect itself is enough proof of the disparity of the living conditions. Most houses in the Philippines are erected on the soil, only flooring is made of solid materials, for some of the poorer families, sack cloths are used. The walls are made up of cheap ply wood and the ceiling is expected to leak during rainy season, in some cases, heavy rain can wash out the entire house.

Home Improvement in the Philippines means tearing down house to build an entirely new one. That is exactly what the team of SAC did for one family. Through the efforts of SAC and the Rise Above Foundation, our charity partner in the Philippines, we carefully surveyed which family to sponsor.

The SAC Team composed of Mr. Sein Lyan Tun and Ms. Jennifer Jularbal and yours truly, arrived on April 30 and commenced planning the Home Improvement Project. After buying the required house materials the team gathered four more volunteers for the task and began to embark for the day-long construction on 1 May.

The Ciarot Family have 6 people living in the house. The husband is a construction worker and played an active role in building his house, his wife is a bag maker and a scavenger in her free time and they have four children. The house is located in a congested slum in Cebu. The construction did not finish in a day as there was major work to be done. With the major work done and sufficient materials provided, the home owners were able to complete the rest of the house on their own.

The team made a significant difference in the house by providing the resources and volunteering their time. It is yet another successful Home Improvement Project, Philippines edition.