Thursday 23 February 2012

Please Show your Support!

Hi, I am Yew Kwan, 37 years of age and I work as an electronics engineer. I first came to know of Student Advisory Centre two years ago, reading about them in a newspaper article featuring the Wishing Well Program. Since then, I have found out more about their activities and programs and even engaged in some of their actvities and know that their cause is truly meaningful.

Having participated in Charity Swim 2011, it was truly a great experience to have combined two great passions of mine; sports and charity. Inspired by this, I will be doing the Gobi March in June 2012, not only as a personal challenge but also in hope to raise some funds for Student Advisory Centre. 

The Gobi March is a 250-kilometer (155-mile) 7-day, 6-stage foot race. The course of the Gobi March takes competitors across a wide variety of terrains including dirt tracks, sand dunes, dry river beds, hills, villages and more. Competitors must carry all their own equipment and food, are only provided with water and a place in a tent each day but are supported by professional medical and operations teams. 

To show your support, I hope you can help by donating via this online link:

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