Monday 2 January 2012

New Year Message from Executive Director Trevor Xie

New Year Message from Trevor Xie

My Fellow SAC Donors, Volunteers and Colleagues,

1. I wish you all a peaceful, productive and secure new year 2012.

2. New Year’s Day is a day of Resolutions. Each of us will make our own resolutions, to lead healthier, more meaningful and happier a life. I sincerely hope that in 2012, through our efforts and resolve, we can make our work more productive, so as to make our life’s better, and consequentially improve our homes and community, to be a better place for us to live and work in.

3. If each of us as work diligently and tireless to achieve our goals, we can be sure that we will achieve them in the year ahead. And as a member of a social charity, by sparing time to contribute towards the less fortunate in our communities, making the world a happier and better place for those around us.

4. 2011 was a significant Year for Student Advisory Centre. A change of social work leadership in the middle of June saw the departure of a team of 6 counselors / Trainers who have served SAC faithfully for some 1-3.5 years of service, leaving SAC with a full time team of 5 staff. A new team was quickly formed by Middle of September, and we are all adjusting to the new dynamics in a changed working relationship

5. We managed to pull ourselves briefly into the black for the year 2011 and managed to secure partnership engagements which will see ourselves rise to approximately 20 staff members by mid of March, representing a close to 100% increase in staffing since June 2011.

6. The external environment looks gloomy in year 2012. Debt Problems in Europe are far from resolved and the Global economy looks slated for a financial downturn in 2012. 2012 looks like a difficult year for us Singaporeans, as many companies are forecasted to slow down production or report production losses. Corporate donations will fall as companies struggle to stay afloat, and we will see more workers retrenched for the year. With lesser job security, our charity will also see tougher competition for donation dollars as we deliver programs to help the needy.

7. Amidst this flux of gloomy forecast, we need to be sharpening once more, our tools as a charity and our service to the community. More people will need our services if the economy turns for the worst.
Our key services remain as Education and counseling care, Free Meals, and Financial Assistance. I am pleased that in 2012, we will also be introducing Home improvement Programs for needy children living in shambled homes, and Hot meals for financially needy kids monthly.

8. Our biggest challenge as a charity remain as that of garnering sufficient resources to facilitate our work. To meet these challenges, we must sharpen the tools of our organization, to be in a trusted position where members of the public feel comfortable to give to us willingly their resources in time, talent, money and gifts, to join us in helping others.

9. As I look forward, I would like to highlight 4 key values our organization must embrace, to engage the community.

10. Firstly, we must be trustworthy. Community partners need to trust us when we make an appeal for assistance. When they volunteer their time for a cause sounded by us, they should trust us that there is need’s verified on the ground, and there is someone in need who really appreciates their service and contribution. On money, when they read our appeal for donations, they should trust the amount required is truthful, and no money is usurped along the way. When they read the ending reports, they should also trust that it’s honest. Trust is of paramount importance

11. Secondly, we must value teamwork and friendship. Volunteerism isn’t a solo activity, and many volunteers achieve more working in teams to achieve the aim of helping the community. Volunteers will also want to feel supported by the staff team who welcome them into a family of volunteers and work together towards a clear vision of community benefit.
The knights Club program which our organization is developing will seek to serve this ends, and our staff members must constantly welcome volunteers as fellow comrades who share the same vision of community betterment. This sincere extension of warmth, must also be extended to our donors, through our correspondence, or when they stop by in our office or events

12. Thirdly, we must be predictable and consistent. The hallmark of quality of service is in delivering the same system of service, whether to beneficiaries, donors, volunteers or partners. Whether we achieve our means through volunteers or staff, the end receiver should constantly expect a consistent level of service even though the person serving may change.
To achieve this end, our charity must develop clear SOP’s, Memo’s and forms, and guidelines, for every predictable event that may occur, so as to achieve consistency and a high quality of service for our end receivers.

13. Fourth and finally, is frugality. As a non-profit organization, the top most priority for our existence is community care. All money donated, must be well used for the direct benefit of beneficiaries, with as little funds allocated for administrative functions as possible. To achieve this end, the charity should constantly think creatively, how it could engage volunteers, use discounted service provides or even Business Process Outsourcing, to achieve its means. By successfully doing so, our organization will be able to achieve more for the beneficiaries with the limited amount of resources available.

14. The success of a charity is defined not by any single man, but by the consortium of people who stand behind its vision and mission. I am glad to see signs of positive developments emerging. For example, in the most recent and inaugural Home Improvement and Christmas project, some 80 odd volunteers responded in short notice, to provide service to residents and children from disadvantaged families. In 2011 itself, we had also seen a steady slew of new corporate pledging their support amongst their staff and associates, to render resources to the cause our charity stands for. We have renewed government engagements

15. Overall, we have every reason to be confident as a charity. In the plans of 2012, we have already allocated a manpower budget of some 20 staff, 560 volunteers, to serve 4000 people in year 2012. Along with these comes a support group of some 6-8 MNC, some of which have identified us as their sole charity of choice for the full year ahead. We are also improving our internet presence, and have established stronger reporting frequency in keeping in touch through the use of varied sources of online media. Our backend operations are stable with well qualified individuals supporting our operational functions, and our front end is constantly recruiting qualified and passionate young man and woman who serve the community either as volunteers or staff.

16. Today, I have shared my New Year thoughts on the values of our organization and how we will strive forth in year 2012. I am also making a call for service to help the community together. I assure you that I will work with all the energy I have, to ensure we honor our values and contribute to the community. I look forward to the continued partnership with you, as my colleagues or as my volunteer friends or donors, in engaging the community.

17. I wish you all the best in year 2012 and the year ahead.

Trevor Xie
Executive Director
Student Advisory Centre

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