Wednesday 3 August 2011

Captain America

With Singapore’s National Day around the corner, “Captain America – The First Avenger” seemed to be the movie of choice, amid the action, it spoke of patriotism and self sacrifice.

The movie was of how a small man with a big heart (with the help of science and experimentation became super powerful) saved the day for his country.  He was a selected based on the goodness of his heart, to fight the good fight. Not to mention, he has a really cool shield!

Entertainment and Educational values all packed into one! Three out of Five thumbs up from me! Some of our mentors brought our students on their own time to see the show which they thoroughly enjoyed as well! Who doesn’t love a good show?

Talking about good shows, the National Day Parade would be one great show to watch, with fireworks, air show and many other performances. Besides putting on a good show, how many Singaporeans are actually willing die for our country?

I feel that Singaporeans are not as fired up and patriotic as our American friends; whose value system compasses around a great sense of belonging, ownership, responsibility and strong emphasis in doing the right thing. For us Singaporeans, different values like status, success, personal pride, self importance and family traditions and values may take precedence.

Where success is calculated by numbers, statistics and results, certain values like love, charity, kindness, patriotism etc are immeasurable. How then does this all equate? It is not until we can see beyond the things we can measure, that we achieve great things that are immeasurable.

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