Monday 18 July 2011

Good Employees = Good Work

In the light of recent events, I must say, good and dedicated people on the job are the key fundamentals to manage a successful charity organization. Good, dedicated people are hard to come by, and sadly, we must say goodbye to one of our counsellors after three years of good work, who wishes to move on to greener pastures.

We want to hire the right people and good counsellors are not easily replaced, a replacement would need some time to find. With this being said, we are happy to say that our benefiting schools would like to continue with us and so, our search for a new counsellor begins.
If anyone has a good counsellor to recommend, this is greatly welcome.
Please email resume to

In appreciation of good employees, I would like to dedicate this blog, to Sein, his birthday is on Friday. Happy Birthday Sein and thank you for your design and admin contributions to SAC!

Continuing on the similar note of having good people in place to doing our good work, our team has just organized a Youth Guidance Programme Camp over the weekend of 9 July (Saturday) with Bowen Secondary School Students with much success. 


We are also conducting long term hip hop dance and magic tricks classes with Pei Cai Secondary, which just kicked off last weekend. It was really wonderful to see the students enjoy our new classes. This truly contributes to personal job satisfaction.


  1. Happy Birthday Sein!!! Also, let me take this chance to wish you all the best in your future endeavor.

  2. Thank you Trevor!

    So sweet Amanda!

    Thank you my Dear Lin !

    Thanks for your birthday wishes.

    I really appreciate it!

