Friday 22 July 2011

We are Singaporeans!

Having watched the last few recent episodes of “We are Singaporeans” hosted by Hossan Leong, it was actually quite interesting to find out more facts about my own country. Needless to say, our local celebrities added spice to the showand it was really quite entertaining to watch how clueless some Singaporeans can be!

This made me pause and think... how aware are Singaporeans about poverty in Singapore?

I take reference to ( and extracted, “THERE IS THIS MYTH that Singapore is a rich country and its citizens are well-taken care of. Nothing could be further from the truth. The 1998 United Nations Human Development Index showed that Singapore ranked 28 on the list behind countries like Barbados and Malta. In fact many households earn so little that they cannot afford to give their children pocket-money for school, resulting in the students going hungry for the day.

Have we forgotten about the financially disadvantaged children in Singapore who go hungry; and failed to realize that Singapore does have a poverty situation? Though the poverty and situation in other countries like Africa and Japan are painfully provoking and heart wrenching, much help and donations have already been rendered out of Singapore for their aid.

It is my own personal philosophy that CHARITY begins at home. No matter how insignificant our poverty situation in Singapore may seem and pale in comparison to overseas humanitarian work, it is a very real problem. If we care about advocating poverty in OUR country, shaping OUR country’s future and caring for the OUR next generation, WE must do something about it.

And so, with the programs with SAC, I am proud to say, we are doing our part in doing our social mission in Singapore. If you would like to join us in this quest, we are looking for volunteer mentors, counsellors, and volunteers from different professions to help our financially disadvantaged children, please contact us. (

Where people are an integral part of making this work, we do require a substantial amount of donations to support our team to maintain our programs and operations to make this all possible. 

Just as we have all our own personal monthly expenses to maintain, we do need a consistency in our funding to help support our cause. What does $38 a month mean to a disadvantaged Singaporean child? It means; warm food to fill a hungry child’s stomach during recess. Such simple things that mean so much to a disadvantaged child, simple things that we often take for granted. Simple things like classes they could never afford to go, places they could never afford to visit and life experiences they miss out, because they are poor.

So help us with our mission to eradicate poverty in Singapore, with monthly contributions. Click on our “donate” button on our website and change a child’s life today.

Our Upcoming Activities!

Calling all thrill-seeking enthusiasts! It's time to display your talent in laser tagging and be the last team standing! Simply form your team of 8 anti-drug experts and participate in this adrenaline pumping laser tag game while learning more about drugs and their harmful effects! Hurry, slots are limited!

For rules and regulations and registration form, please follow link:

One of our Corporate Sponsors Fuji Xerox Singapore will be fundraising for SAC by selling tickets for the latest exciting movie, Spy Kids, All the Time in the World, A Charity Movie Screening.

Spy Kids, All the Time in the World, is the fourth movie in the successful Spy Kids Movie Series. In this movie, retired agent Marissa Cortez Wilson (Jessica Alba) gets back into action -- and recruits her two stepchildren -- to stop a super villain known as the Timekeeper (Jeremy Piven) from taking over the planet.

The screening will be on 7 September 2011 (Wednesday), 7-10pm at Suntec City, Tower 3 (Level 3) at WE Cinema.

To support us, you may buy tickets to the screening!
Please email Vicky at or call 67616305 for more information.

Monday 18 July 2011

Good Employees = Good Work

In the light of recent events, I must say, good and dedicated people on the job are the key fundamentals to manage a successful charity organization. Good, dedicated people are hard to come by, and sadly, we must say goodbye to one of our counsellors after three years of good work, who wishes to move on to greener pastures.

We want to hire the right people and good counsellors are not easily replaced, a replacement would need some time to find. With this being said, we are happy to say that our benefiting schools would like to continue with us and so, our search for a new counsellor begins.
If anyone has a good counsellor to recommend, this is greatly welcome.
Please email resume to

In appreciation of good employees, I would like to dedicate this blog, to Sein, his birthday is on Friday. Happy Birthday Sein and thank you for your design and admin contributions to SAC!

Continuing on the similar note of having good people in place to doing our good work, our team has just organized a Youth Guidance Programme Camp over the weekend of 9 July (Saturday) with Bowen Secondary School Students with much success. 


We are also conducting long term hip hop dance and magic tricks classes with Pei Cai Secondary, which just kicked off last weekend. It was really wonderful to see the students enjoy our new classes. This truly contributes to personal job satisfaction.